Overcoming Obstacles to Reach Your Success

The majority of people, depending on their level of resilience, will respond to difficult circumstances in one of two ways. Some people will carry on as they always have with an increased intensity. They will ratchet up the amount of effort they put in or the speed at which they complete their tasks. The way of thinking that "I must work harder than I did before" is prevalent here. This sort of resilient thinking can be beneficial for powering through lesser obstacles, but it is not sufficient for dealing with big situations. In fact, it will stall your progress.

People that fall into the second category are aware of the shift, but they are either so resistive to it or so overwhelmed by it that they are unable to go ahead. They find themselves frozen and unable to move forward. This happens because they don't have strong resiliency skills. In most cases, individuals find themselves waiting for situations that are more familiar to them before they act. Both of these responses result in feelings of irritation and worry, and they make it impossible to go forward. Therefore, many people are forced to watch the game of life from the sidelines during difficult times, wondering how and when they will be able to rejoin it. This is very frustrating and difficult on your mindset.

Get a resilient mindset that prioritizes persistence above resistance

What measures can be taken to mitigate the impact of a lack of resiliency on our personal and professional lives? Thomas Edison, the well-known inventor, is a good example for us to study in terms of perseverance. Edison once claimed, in reference to his 10,000 failed attempts at developing the incandescent light bulb, "I did not fail 10,000 times; rather, I identified 10,000 ways in which the light bulb did not function." Take note of how he reframed his thinking; rather than 10,000 failures, he referred to it as 10,000 different ways in which it was unsuccessful. This subtle change gave him, more mental power. He grew as a result of each and every one of the events, and he finally achieved success. He did not just keep trying and never gave up; rather, he learned something new from every setback and consistently sought out novel approaches to overcoming obstacles in order to advance his outcomes. That demonstrates a strong mental toughness!

#1 Mindset tool - Conquer Obstacles Through Creativity Persistence

Edison was equipped with at least two mental tools, both of which proved to be effective in enabling him to triumph over the challenges he encountered in his role as an inventor.

The first quality was creative perseverance, or the capacity to imaginatively try out different approaches. Edison always made sure to record the results of his experiments, regardless of whether or not they were successful, so that he could get the most insight possible from them. He did not repeat the same experiment again. Rather, he attempted something different each time. His ability to keep going despite not caring about the outcome was eventually what led to his success. This talent is deceptively basic yet incredibly effective.

Creative perseverance is a skill that will change how you think about tough times. It assumes that you will succeed, and the current challenge is merely a temporary difficulty that will fade at the right time. It allows you to grow by focusing in on what you learn from each trial. 

#2 Mindset tool - Reframe and Rethink the Roll of Failure in Your Success

The capacity to recast a negative experience as a learning opportunity was the second mental aptitude that Edison possessed. He did not consider himself to be a failure simply due to the fact that he had been unsuccessful. It was not his focus. Because of this perspective, he was able to keep searching for new answers through trial and error. It is not unusual for us to have a sense of failure when we put our effort into something, and it does not bear fruit. Sadly, the majority of people are willing to give up after experiencing only a few setbacks. This robs their potential for success. What we need to do is come to terms with the fact that failure is an integral part of the process of achieving success. Edison believed that failure was a necessary step on the path to success. He not only allowed himself to fail, but he actively promoted failure as a means of achieving his goals. That is such an essential topic that I feel compelled to emphasize it once more. Failure was an integral component of the road to success. He gave himself permission to fail and, in fact, encouraged it as a means to achieve his goals"

You Can Alter Your Success—Accept That Failure Is Part of the Process

You may shift your perspective on what's going on in your life and in your company by being more creative in how you approach finding answers to problems and by recasting failure as a learning experience. Altering the way in which you think can have a significant impact on your level of achievement. There are always going to be obstacles in your business that will put you to the test. How you respond to such problems will ultimately determine how successful you are. Do not allow yourself to become mired in a rut of repeating the same unproductive activities over and over again. Changing the way you think about challenges can be a simple first step toward achieving success in business and sales. Afterall, some of the greatest innovations in our lives have come by mistakes or a failed experiments.


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