Who is Performance Coaching For?

Performance coaching can help clients gain a competitive edge and work at their peak abilities. A customized performance coaching program can help get the skills and support you need to improve your performance, reduce stress, and bring out your natural ability to succeed.

When is performance coaching a good investment?

If you’re new to your field or profession, it’s best to spend your time and focus on learning the skills you need to know. Once you have a good understanding of the technical skills of your profession it will be a perfect time to look into high-performance coaching. Often, people will try to break through the invisible barrier to their success on their own with little success. A coach will give an outside perspective, new tools, and processes, which will make a difference. They will take your basic skills and guide you to bring out you best performance. 

We have been performance coaching high achievers for over 20 years. In the beginning, success was haphazard. As the years progressed, we developed a system of steps to help almost anyone bring out their best performance. We have many of our salespeople and business owners rapidly growing their businesses. Our professional clients are promoted to new leadership positions and achieve success faster than they thought possible. Success is predictable when you have an understanding of what it takes to achieve new levels of performance. This is the kind of effect a performance coach can have.

10 situations where high-performance coaching will benefit you

Performance coaches have a way of taking an average hard-working person who is not quite hitting the level of achievement they want, and fine-tuning their performance so they’re at the top of their field. Although any professional, business owner, or salesperson will benefit from high-performance coaching, there are several other situations that will also benefit. They are:

  • If you’re a commission salesperson who has been working for three or more years in your field. You’ve noticed that you’ve hit an income plateau and can’t seem to break through to the next level.
  • You have an ambitious goal but don’t know how to make it happen. Although you’ve tried to get going in the right direction, nothing seems to work.
  • You’re a business owner and seem to be working all the time. You can’t get the company to the next level so you can hire the people you need. 
  • You’re dealing with mental setbacks or fallout from negative thinking. It’s taking all of your energy. It’s making it difficult to move your performance forward.
  • You have all the right training in your profession but can’t break through to be at the level you should be at. 
  • You’re a business owner that is a technical expert but can’t seem to grow the company the way you need to.
  • Although you are skilled, getting the work done is difficult. You need a customized approach to time management.
  • You’re stressed all the time and it’s affecting your performance. Possibly, you’re starting to feel burnt out and want to make changes before it’s gone too far. 
  • You’re thinking of taking your next step and can’t seem to get a vision for what that will look like.
  • You’re noticing that the joy you had when you started your profession or business is gone. You find that you have no energy at the end of the day. At times you find yourself spending more energy trying to get started on a task than doing it.

Performance coaching can benefit people when they run into anything that prevents them from achieving their best. Although life coaching may seem to have a similar focus, the performance coach will be an expert in helping people with performance blocks and finding their unique way to become successful. The best time to get your own high-performance coach is when you have tried to move forward and find it difficult. Although you will want to dig in and try harder, which may work at times, this form of pushing usually just wears you out quickly. So, find your coach before you are so fatigued that you start losing hope. The sense of hopelessness is hard on you, mentally, physically, and emotionally. It's much better to get help sooner so you don’t burn out and then have to deal with that problem as well.


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